Global Pulse 2010

Global Pulse 2010 is being held March 29, 2010 to March 31, 2010. Global Pulse 2010 is a place for you to speak out your opinions, share ideas etc.

This is what I have written in the discussion thread.

Hello and welcome! My name is Hui Ming.

Today I would like to discuss about menstrual pain. Almost all the women and girls will faced this problem when during their menstrual period. Do you know what is menstrual cramps? Menstrual cramps are sharp pains in a woman's lower abdomen that occur when her menstrual period begins and may continue for 2-3 days. Menstrual cramps are the leading cause of absenteeism in women younger than 30 years.

The following circumstances may make a woman more likely to experience menstrual cramps:

1. She started her first period at an early age (younger than 11 years).
2. Her menstrual periods last 5 days or longer.
3. She is overweight or obese.
4. She smokes cigarettes or uses alcohol.
5. She has never been pregnant.

The medical term for menstrual cramps is dysmenorrhea. There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary and secondary.

Today, when a woman has abnormally heavy and painful uterine bleeding, her doctor may recommend endometrial ablation, a procedure in which the lining of the uterus is burned away or vaporized using a heat-generating device.

In addition to cramps in the lower abdomen, a woman may also experience some of these symptoms with menstrual cramps:

1. Lower back pain
2. Leg pain, radiating down the legs
3. Nausea
4. Vomiting
5. Diarrhea
6. Headaches
7. Irritability
8. Weakness
9. Fainting spells (in extreme cases)

To access my discussion thread, please kindly link the title below:
Title: Women & Girls